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NFA Holster Course (Please open event for more info)

(The NFA Holster Course is offered June 11, Aug 13 & Sept 24) 1. Preregistration and prepayment required (no drop-ins) 2. For the Course Description please go to the Training page on our website 3. For What to Bring please go to the Training page on our website 3. Max 10 students 4. Clubhouse, Pistol […]


CANCELLED – Pistol Level I Course (Please open event for more info)

(The Pistol Level I Course is offered July 9 & Aug 27) 1. Preregistration and prepayment required (no drop-ins) 2. For the Course Description please go to the Training page on our website 3. For What to Bring please go to the Training page on our website 3. Max 10 students 4. Clubhouse, Pistol 3 […]


CANCELLED – NFA RSO Course (Please open event for more info)

(The NFA RSO Course is offered on May 28, July 23 and Sept 10) 1. Preregistration and prepayment required (no drop-ins) 2. For the Course Description please go to the Training page on our website 3. For What to Bring please go to the Training page on our website 3. Max 10 students 4. Clubhouse, […]


CANCELLED – NFA Holster Course (Please open event for more info)

(The NFA Holster Course is offered June 11, Aug 13 & Sept 24) 1. Preregistration and prepayment required (no drop-ins) 2. For the Course Description please go to the Training page on our website 3. For What to Bring please go to the Training page on our website 3. Max 10 students 4. Clubhouse, Pistol […]


CANCELLED – Pistol Level II Course (Please open event for more info)

1. Preregistration and prepayment required (no drop-ins) 2. For the Course Description please go to the Training page on our website 3. For What to Bring please go to the Training page on our website 3. Max 8 students 4. Clubhouse, Pistol 3 & 7 reserved for this course 5. Registration at 9 am, course […]


Reloading Level I Course (Please open event for more info)

1. Preregistration and prepayment required (no drop-ins) 2. For the Course Description please go to the Training page on our website 3. For What to Bring please go to the Training page on our website 3. Max 10 students 4. Clubhouse, Rifle 2, Pistol 3 & 7 reserved for this course 5. Registration at 9 […]


Shotgun Level I Course (please open event for more info)

This is a great course for anyone who owns or is looking to purchase a shotgun. This course is for beginners and shotgun shooters who want to become a better shotgun shooter. You do not have to have a shotgun to take this course (but if you have a shotgun please bring it, along with […]


Canceled Rifle Level I Course (please open event for more info)

Do you want to become a better rifle shooter; whether just starting out or, with several years shooting a rifle? Back to the basics. We all start shooting without instruction (other than minimum instruction from a friend). As a result, we all learn bad habits. This course is for the beginner and the experienced rifle […]


Canceled Black Powder Level I Course (please open event for more info)

This course will introduce the beginner or novice black powder shooter to the various types of traditional (pre-1900) black power firearms. It will not cover the contemporary in-line style black powder firearms. You do not have to have a black powder firearm to take this course (but if you have a black powder rifle, original […]


National RSO Course (please open event for more info)

National RSO Course: No drop-ins permitted; you must be pre-registered for this course. The course starts at 8:30 am and ends at 4:30 pm. The clubhouse and Pistol 1, 3, 4, 7 and Rifle 1 are reserved for this course. Throughout the day, the instructor and students will be using one or more of these […]

National RSO Course (please open event for more info)

National RSO Course: No drop-ins permitted; you must be pre-registered for this course. The course starts at 8:30 am and ends at 4:30 pm. The clubhouse and Pistol 1, 3, 4, 7 and Rifle 1 are reserved for this course. Throughout the day, the instructor and students will be using one or more of these […]