Canada wide RPAL memberships for non-active shooters – read more

Law Enforcement memberships – read more / Armed Forces memberships – read more

Orientation Safety Briefing

Pre-registration 2 weeks in advance required (no drop-ins); review of national and club safety rules for safe shooting activities at the Club

Directors’ Meeting

Directors' Meeting (Directors & Officers); Bicentennial Theater, #12390 Hwy. 224, Middle Musquodoboit

Orientation Safety Briefing – Now Full.

Pre-registration 2 weeks in advance required (no drop-ins); review of national and club safety rules for safe shooting activities at the Club

Orientation Safety Briefing

Pre-registration 2 weeks in advance required (no drop-ins); review of national and club safety rules for safe shooting activities at the Club


CFO Site Visit today. Range will reopen after the Site Visit.


The MVRRC Black Powder Group is holding an informal shoot for all black powder firearms, both original and reproduction. The only restriction is the firearm must be a design which predates 1900. Everyone is welcome. From the experienced shooter to the new BP shooter, including the curious who may be interested in trying a BP […]

BLACK POWDER (Please open event for more info)

The MVRRC Black Powder Group is holding an informal shoot for all black powder firearms, both original and reproduction. The only restriction is the firearm must be a design which predates 1900. Everyone is welcome. From the experienced shooter to the new BP shooter, including the curious who may be interested in trying a BP […]

Sporting Clay Shotgun Shoot (Please open event for more info)

An informal sporting clay shoot for all members, novice and experienced; please remember to carry your cased shotgun from the main parking lot to the shotgun range (then uncase at the range); max size of bird shot is 7.5; The Shotgun Range is reserved for this event.

NFA RSO Course (Please open event for more info)

Full day course; preregistration and prepayment required; permits a member to move the firing line forward on designated ranges, etc.; max 10 students (first come, first served); contact to register; Pistol 3 & 7 reserved for this course

BLACK POWDER (Please open event for more info)

The MVRRC Black Powder Group is holding an informal shoot for all black powder firearms, both original and reproduction. The only restriction is the firearm must be a design which predates 1900. Everyone is welcome. From the experienced shooter to the new BP shooter, including the curious who may be interested in trying a BP […]