IPSC Competition (Set-up)
Set-up for Provincial IPSC-NS competition, which is on Sunday, Oct 3. The following ranges are closed to the members: Rifle 1, 3 & 4 and Pistol 1, 3 & 7
Canada wide RPAL memberships for non-active shooters – read more
Set-up for Provincial IPSC-NS competition, which is on Sunday, Oct 3. The following ranges are closed to the members: Rifle 1, 3 & 4 and Pistol 1, 3 & 7
Provincial IPSC-NS competition. Registration through IPSC-NS required. The following ranges are closed to the members: Rifle 1, 3 & 4 and Pistol 1, 3 & 7
National course aimed at novices and any handgun shooter with no previous formal training (classroom & practical); max 10 students; Prerequisite - recognized holster course
NOW FULL - Pre-registration 2 weeks in advance required (no drop-ins); review of national and club safety rules for safe shooting activities at the Club
A fun shoot with .22 rimfire rifles or .177 pellet air rifles on Pistol Range 3 (approx. 12 meters), shooting at a 12" paper target (no expensive rifles or expensive ammunition required). The design of the target is unique in that it will require a combination of a little bit of skill (able to hit […]
The MVRRC Black Powder Group is holding an informal shoot for all black powder firearms, both original and reproduction. The only restriction is the firearm must be a design which predates 1900. Everyone is welcome. From the experienced shooter to the new BP shooter, including the curious who may be interested in trying a BP […]
Registration for the meetings today is required by the MVRRC By-laws and by the Province’s COVID-19 Rules. Only those who have registered between 1 pm – 1:30 pm will be admitted at the meetings.
Special General Meeting; Bicentennial Theater, #12390 Hwy. 224, Middle Musquodoboit
Annual meeting of the members; Bicentennial Theater, #12390 Hwy. 224, Middle Musquodoboit
NOW FULL - Pre-registration 2 weeks in advance required (no drop-ins); review of national and club safety rules for safe shooting activities at the Club
This Date is now Full: Pre-registration 2 weeks in advance required (no drop-ins); review of national and club safety rules for safe shooting activities at the Club