Orientation Safety Briefing (FULLY BOOKED)
Pre-registration 2 weeks in advance required (no drop-ins); review of national and club safety rules for safe shooting activities at the Club
Canada wide RPAL memberships for non-active shooters – read more
Pre-registration 2 weeks in advance required (no drop-ins); review of national and club safety rules for safe shooting activities at the Club
Place to be confirmed
National course covering the knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to organize, conduct, and supervise safe shooting activities and range operations; max 10 students
National course aimed at novices and any handgun shooter with no previous formal training (classroom & practical); max 10 students; Prerequisite - recognized holster course
Rifle Range 5 is not available to members
Pre-registration 2 weeks in advance required (no drop-ins); review of national and club safety rules for safe shooting activities at the Club
National course covering the fundamentals for safe shooting from a holster at the range (classroom & practical); max 10 students
National course covering the knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to organize, conduct, and supervise safe shooting activities and range operations; max 10 students
The MVRRC Black Powder Group is holding an informal shoot for all black powder firearms, both original and reproduction. The only restriction is the firearm must be a design which predates 1900. Everyone is welcome. From the experienced shooter to the new BP shooter, including the curious who may be interested in trying a BP […]
Pre-registration 2 weeks in advance required (no drop-ins); review of national and club safety rules for safe shooting activities at the Club
New Date to be confirmed National course covering the knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to organize, conduct, and supervise safe shooting activities and range operations; max 10 students
Place to be confirmed