All new members (except RPAL Occasional), and prior members who are re-joining the club after two years, are required to take the Orientation Safety Briefing. These briefings are held monthly and the dates are posted in the Calendar.
Briefings are only open to regular members. RPAL Occasional members are not entitled to attend (they have restricted shooting privileges). Pre-registration is not required. Just check our Calendar for the dates and arrive at 8:30 am to sign-in. The Briefing starts at 9 am. Please bring your eye and ear protection and, a copy of the Range Safety Handbook. The day before the briefing check our Notices for any weather cancellation notice.
The Briefing takes approximately 3 hours to complete. It includes a Range Walk, a Practical Shoot, a Classroom Session and a Test. The Briefings ensure all members are aware of the safety rules for a safe and enjoyable shooting experience at the club.
The Range Walk starts at the clubhouse and new members are then taken to each of our 6 rifle ranges, 7 pistol ranges, 1 shotgun range and 1 archery range. Several firing lines on the different ranges and shooting positions from standing, sitting and kneeling positions are reviewed during the Range Walk.
During the Briefing each new member has an opportunity, under the instruction of a Range Officer to shoot two rounds from a pistol. This ensures the new member is familiar with the safety procedures when shooting by themselves at the club.
During the Classroom Session, the instructor reviews the club’s Range Safety Handbook. The aim of the Classroom Session is to ensure all new members are aware of the safety rules at the club.
After the Classroom there is a Test, based on the Range Walk, the Practical Shoot and Classroom Session. It is an open book test, so the new members become familiar with the Range Safety Handbook.